March 8, 2008

Much Better than Expected

It's true. I am officially old. As in the number representing my years on earth has officially increased now that my birthday has come. I wasn't so much looking forward to this birthday as I wasn't quite ready for another year of my life to be over - I want to take a bit more time to stop and smell the roses! But alas, I am not able to hold back time so I will accept the inevitable aging.

Now I mentioned I wasn't so keen on this birthday, but it truly turned out better than I had expected . . .
I started out the day by attending an early 7:45am session at the Manhattan Temple. This may have been the earliest I have ever dragged myself out of bed on a Saturday, but it was absolutely worth it! Attending the temple at the start of a new year was the best idea I ever had! And I was joined by my dear friends which made it even better.
Here I am with my temple buddies, Lyndee and Melanie

And Sara too!

After the temple, we wandered down to 57th and 9th Avenue to Whym Restaurant where we were joined by five other friends. Lyndee had orchestrated the brunch, reservations and all, getting the recommendation from Cory. And can I just say, wow, absolutely fabulous choice! The service was perfect and the food tasted oh, so good! And I was able to enjoy it with my very close friends, who had all sacrificed there Saturday mornings to come all the way uptown. It is most likely the best brunch that I have had while in the city. Below are a few snapshots of the delectable food.

As I mentioned, I was joined by 8 amazing friends! I cannot express how amazing these ladies are and all that they do to help me be a better person - thanks gals for celebrating with me!

Ashley, Heidi, Cory, Me, Melanie, Sara, Lyndee, Kimberly, Courtnie

Afterwards I was forced to face reality and walk in the pouring rain to work, where I spend the next 12 hours, interrupted periodically with phone calls, emails, and texts. But even with working all that time, it was still a fabulous birthday! Thanks to everyone who celebrated with me or sent me happy birthday greetings!


Denisse said...

Brenda! I'm so glad to hear that you had such a fun birthday!!!!!! I didn't know you'd gotten endowed Brenda!!! That is so amazing! I'm soooo happy for you!!!...That food looks delicious and it really made me hungry!!!!! You are so awesome Brenda and I'm glad that you have made such wonderful friends in NYC! Love ya!!!!

Denisse said...

P.S....Of course I'm still your VERY FAVORITE friend of all right??? Come on Brenda...admit it!!!!:) ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!!!!:)

Leslie and Dave said...

Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a great day.