The Brooklyn Bridge has been standing for 125 years. There are quite a few festivities going on to celebrate the suspension bridge that was the longest in the world at the time of its completion.Saturday afternoon, Heidi and I walked across the bridge to find the telectroscope on the other side. It is connected to London and we could stand in front of it and wave at people on the other side of the ocean. There were white boards available and Heidi wrote a message to share with the nice folks in London.
If you look closely at the center of this picture you can see a circle (in the blue space among the clouds) which is crowded with people's heads - - - they are in London! It was a fun experience.
Monday I accompanied my friend Mark on a drive to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and caught the train back to NYC that afternoon. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and I loved seeing open space, trees, farmhouses, and silo's instead of tall buildings! Such a wonderful break from the usual and it was my first trip to Pennsylvania. I loved it!
I completely forgot to take pictures during the drive but here is one of the train station . . . bit different than the train station I am used to and oh, so difficult to locate, but with a little help we found it and I returned safely to NYC.
1 year ago
OK, that is the trippiest thing I've ever seen. Looking into London! Wow!
Brenda, that is rad! I hope you put a swear word or something on the white board! Cause some action over there during afternoon tea! Just kidding... sheesh!
I hate to do this to you, but I just tagged you. (don't feel obligated if you don't want to do it, but if you do, look at my latest blog entry!)
I went and saw it yesterday. VERY NEAT! Oh, and look how pretty your eyes are in this pic...gorgeous!!
Brenda!! How fun! It's good to know what happened to you.
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