February 26, 2008

Out of the Ordinary (for me)

I'm not much for video games but Karaoke Revolution has proven to be a great stress relief, so periodically I will participate. Pretty much my favorite part is actually creating the characters . . . its kind of like playing dress-up . . .
Anyway, since this is most likely a once-in-a-life-time event, figured I would let you all know that I joined Kim for a duet and we performed so well as to earn a perfect score! (Kim manages this quite frequently on her own, but for me, well its more than a little miracle.) Yes, that would be our facsimiles' celebrating a perfect execution of Material Girl. Amazing, huh?


Kimberly said...

Hurrah for us!

Don said...

I saw this on Kim's blog as well... Congrats!!!!

Denisse said...

Sounds like fun Brenda!!!!:)